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Sell Your IPv4 Addresses with IPv4 Group

Your organization has monetary potential in its unused IPv4 addresses. This is an unusual opportunity for you to generate revenue. The IPv4 Transfer Market is an after-market IPv4 transfer mechanism. It creates financial incentive for entities to sell their unused IPv4 addresses, or efficiently renumber IPv4 blocks to free up excess inventory and sell it...
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Navigating New ARIN Pre-Approval Rules

Slowly but surely, ARIN is chipping away at the impediment of having to justify IPv4 purchases via transfer. Recently implemented policy changes have achieved the following: In July 2016, a change was made to remove the criteria from the end-user IPv4 policy, where network operators must utilize 25% of the address space within 30 days...
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Transfers of IPv4 Addresses from /8s Held by One Organization

In 2011, as Nortel's Director of Engineering I started the orchestration of the sale of Nortel's  Over time this undertaking has resulted in the sale of approximately 85% of the /8.  Something that has been discussed in the ensuing six years, is how many other “organization” or “company” owned /8s might ultimately be sold.  IPv4...
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IPv4 Transfer Trends Through 2016

IPv4 transfer trends, regardless of IPv6 implementation, are an indicator of the longevity of the IPv4 market for both buyers and sellers. IPv4 Market Group has studied IPv4 transfer volumes to see if the number of IPs transferred is continuing to grow. Increased IPv4 Transfer Volume There are several factors that might cause IPv4 transfer...
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