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Colleges & Universities Have Valuable IPv4 Addresses to Sell

As prices go up for IPv4 address blocks, it may be a wise decision for colleges and universities to sell their unused IPv4 addresses. Since demand for IPv4 address blocks is hot, these educational institutions could bring in additional income by selling the addresses that they no longer need.

Why are IPv4 address blocks from colleges and universities valuable? Educational Institutions have clean, top quality IPV4 addresses that are especially in demand.

Colleges and universities can now take any unused space they have and bring in funding for, growth plans and other projects, helping to fund the institution.

Why IPv4 Address Blocks Are Valuable

A question that gets asked time and time again is, how much longer will IPv4 be around before being completely replaced with IPv6? Unfortunately, there is not a clear answer to this question. IPv6 was created in 1996 and has made slow progress. Currently, Ipv6 use is growing slowly, but IPv4 is still needed for dual stack, which makes these address blocks a valuable commodity. This is why it makes sense for higher educational institutions to sell their valuable IPv4 addresses that they no longer need.

A way to make this transaction smooth and effective for both sellers and buyers is to use a reputable IPv4 broker, such as Ipv4 Market Group.

IPv4 Market Group has an extensive background in handling Ipv4 transactions. We use a variety of resources to examine IP reputation and check for blacklisting, including our own software developed to scan a large number of IPs. If IPv4s are to be used for email, we pre-test them to make sure that they are not blocked by commonly used blacklists. 

With colleges and universities having legitimate, legacy IPv4 address blocks, the buyer will have confidence they are getting quality address blocks. IPv4 Market Group is your number one IPv4 broker. We are your trusted, knowledgeable experts who can help you sell your IPv4 address blocks in the global market.

We offer these services for College IPv4 addresses: