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UK IPv4 Information

On January 22, 2015, I had the honour of speaking at the UKNOF30 conference in London. I gave an update on the IPv4 transfer market in RIPE region and in the UK in particular. It was my first UKNOF meeting and I greatly enjoyed the experience. I talked about three key items: a summary of...
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2014 IPv4 Market in Review

Well, another year has gone by, and ARIN has not run out of free IP’s! In my 2014 year end review, I will begin by talking about ARIN runout, summarize the transfer markets and pricing, and close with projections on the future for the transfer market. ARIN’s continuing free supply is relatively good for companies...
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IPv4 Address Lifespan

Subtitle: “Should I Sell my IPv4 addresses Now?” and “Should I Stockpile IPv4 Addresses?” Everyone wants a crystal ball to know the IPv4 address lifespan. They want to know if they will need more IPv4 addresses, and if so, should they buy them now or can they wait. If I create a simple model of...
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Paying for IPv4 Addresses

IPv4 Market Group is frequently asked how a buyer can pay a seller for IPv4 addresses.  In the early days of IPv4 transfers, in 2011-12, IPv4 transfers were less common than today, and IPv4 transfer participants felt some uncertainty about both the commercial and legal aspects of an IPv4 transaction. Today, with hundreds of transactions...
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I am back from ARIN34 in Baltimore.  The best outcome of ARIN34 was the passing of policy so that the ARIN manual no longer allows for the reclamation of IPv4 addresses, which is a tremendously good thing. The hot debate at ARIN34 was around various forms of policies to lessen the requirements for ARIN IPv4...
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IPv4 Broker Due Diligence

Doing due diligence before you buy IPv4 addresses is a critical activity.  Here are some tips on things to consider: When an IPv4 broker responds to your IPv4 RFQ, you want to ensure the broker has IPv4 addresses to actually fulfill the bid.  Otherwise you may be in for a long delay while the broker...
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