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IPv4 Market Group on IPv6 Addresses

In order to ensure business continuity and growth, companies need to invest in the appropriate, IPv6 compatible networks, services, and products. There are 340 trillion, trillion, trillion unique IPv6 addresses. The conversion will be important to a company’s business model for a significant length of time. Our function is to support IPv4 to IPv6 conversion strategies...
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Lessons Learned from the IPv4 Transfer Market

The IPv4 purchase process can be quite complex. As an IPv4 buyer, it is imperative to conduct due diligence, and understand the correct questions to ask, in order to ensure an efficient transaction that meets your business needs. Start pre-approval process prior to the commercial process. In ARIN and APNIC regions, you must engage in...
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IPv4 Seller Beware

There are a lot of reasons to perform due diligence on an IPv4 Broker.  There are the normal business reasons, like ensuring the broker is insured, can handle the currencies involved, and can deliver on the sale. However, there are some subtleties that you, as a seller should be aware of.  Some brokers just don’t...
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