Even as other technologies emerge, the demand for IPv4 addresses continues to grow. Since IPs are in short supply, and IPv4 demand continues unabated, prices have been steadily on the rise. You can rely on IPv4 Market Group to help you sell your college IP addresses. We’re trusted professionals with experience in helping many schools through the process when selling collegiate IPv4 space.
Organizations that oversee IP registrations, including the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) and Réseaux IP Européens (RIPE), no longer have free IP addresses available. Because of this, buyers must to go directly to existing registrants to acquire IPv4 blocks
College IPv4 sellers can take advantage of high prices on college IP address blocks. Doing this also means that you are freeing up unused IPv4 addresses for other organizations that could be making use of them.
We simplify the IPv4 sales process by managing every step along the way. IPv4 Market Group has more than a decade of experience in the industry, and we’ll help you sell your college IP addresses at the best price. Your IPs are marketed to credible blue-chip buyers, and we provide the legal documents for the transaction. We support and direct the IPv4 transfer, and we provide financial services to ensure payment.
The sales process begins with verifying the chain of IPv4 ownership, blacklist scanning, and remediation. We ensure overall sales readiness and we provide all the required contracts such as the Asset Purchase Agreement. As a broker, we act as the liaison between buyer and seller when transferring collegiate IPv4 space through the regional internet registry.
Escrow services are also included, which means the IPs are transferred to the buyer while we safeguard the funds in a trust account. Once the IPv4 transfer through the registry is complete, we release the funds to you, the seller. Finally, we provide an invoice for your records when you sell college IP addresses.
We adhere to all legal regulations and accept funds in the currency you want for your college IPv4 addresses.
Selling IP address blocks from colleges happens in different block sizes, depending on the buyer’s need. It is normal to break your larger block into smaller IPv4 blocks in order to meet a buyer’s needs. Technically you can update the ARIN inverses of Name Servers to point to the Names Servers remaining, and update the inverses to drop any ranges that you sell.
These are some of the other steps that you can expect from the process:
Provide final invoices
IPv4 Market Group is a reputable broker that has helped many sellers transfer their IP addresses. Monetize your college IP addresses with help from selling and acquisition specialists who you can trust to securely and efficiently handle the process. We’re industry leaders who are registered and approved by the three regional internet registries, which include the ARIN Specified Transfer Listing Service (STLS), APNIC, and RIPE. We have many years of experience dealing with inter-RIR policies, so you can depend on our expertise to help you sell collegiate IP space from one registry to another. With transfers happening on a global level, we ensure that you sell at optimal prices.
Colleges interested in selling IP address blocks are welcome to fill out our convenient contact form. We will reach out to you to discuss the process and market rates in more detail, and answer any of your questions. Any information provided is used only for the consultation with no obligation to you. If you want to sell college IP addresses, now is a great time to join the global marketplace and sell to credible buyers around the world. Monetize your unused IPs by reaching out to IPv4 Market Group. We’re the broker you want to work with for a smooth and efficient transfer process. Call us today at 716-348-6768 to get started.
We offer these services for College IPv4 addresses: