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IPv4 Addresses at NANOG

IPv4 address bartering is a relatively new activity at NANOG meetings. I find it interesting to look back at the history of NANOG, to think about the purpose of its meetings, and then to examine the overlay of IPv4 meeting topics and IPv4 trading on that purpose. NANOG’s focus is on the Technologies and Systems...
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IPv4 Pricing and Transfer Update

The ideal window of opportunity IPv4 address block transfers is after /8 addresses come to the market but before IPv6 adoption. That time is now. The supplies of IPv4 address blocks are being bought out quickly in the ARIN region, especially after the run out last July. I'm looking forward to presenting at 12:30 at...
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The Future of IPv4

I would like to start by discussing IPv4 prices. My view is that the IPv4 price curve is shaped like a hill, as illustrated in Figure 1 above. Initially, there was a large IPv4 supply, which was a period of time best for the buyer, as prices were low. As time wore on, the number of available IPs...
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RIPE 71 IPv4 Report

There were three presentations of interest to me at the RIPE 71 meeting in Bucharest, Romania and some interesting information from the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) updates. The first presentation was by Geoff Huston, the Chief Scientist at APNIC. He compared the IPv6 failure rate to the IPv4 failure rate. In general both are improving over...
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