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RIPE 71 IPv4 Report

There were three presentations of interest to me at the RIPE 71 meeting in Bucharest, Romania and some interesting information from the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) updates. The first presentation was by Geoff Huston, the Chief Scientist at APNIC. He compared the IPv6 failure rate to the IPv4 failure rate. In general both are improving over...
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IPv4 Transfer Activity Since ARIN Run Out

I thought it would be interesting to look at what is happening with IPv4 Transfer Activity since the ARIN run out. In late June, ARIN announced it would not be able to fill a request for IPv4 addresses, and for all intents and purposes, this was the start of ARIN run out. Chart 1.  Total #...
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IPv4 Market Group Quoted by BBC on IPv4 Price Expectations

In its enlightening article on the ARIN IPv4 run out, the BBC has quoted IPv4 Market Group’s view on IPv4 price expectations. IPv4 Market Group is quoted as saying: “The ARIN depletion might spark a significant rise in prices, suggests research by the IPv4 Market Group which acts as a broker for firms with addresses...
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IPv4 Pricing in a Post ARIN Runout World

IPv4 prices were at an all-time low through the first half of 2015, and then, with the ARIN runout upon us, they spiked upwards. Has the bottom of the IPv4 market occurred, and where prices will go from here? Let’s start at the beginning. IPv4 Market Group has facilitated over 150 IPv4 transfers through the...
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Large ARIN IPv4 Transfers

In a recent Wall Street Journal article, IPv4 Market Group  discussed Merck’s transfers of IPs to Amazon Web Services with the author, Robert McMillan. This data is readily available in the ARIN transfer registry. Other large transfers outlined in this registry include the following: These large block transfers will continue as ARIN runout occurs.
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The IPv4 Address Resale Market

The IPv4 Address Resale Market  IPv4 Market Group, Inter-Op Interview Sandra Brown and Sean Michael Kerner, April 30, 2015 Sandra: We are a broker of IPv4 transfers, and we do transfers globally in ARIN, APNIC, and RIPE regions.  We transfer from sellers, which are companies that have excess IPv4 addresses, to buyers, which are companies...
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Update on IPv4 Depletion from ARIN 35

At Day One of ARIN 35 in San Francisco, Leslie Nobile of ARIN presented an ARIN Update on IPv4 Depletion. ARIN has no /8, /9, /10’s left; They expect to deplete to only /16’s available shortly; ARIN will quickly get to only /24’s available as the current inventory is at .24 /8 equivalent.; ~19 /16...
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The APNIC Transfer Market

In general APNIC’s market is less robust than expected, with 3.75 million IPv4 addresses transferred in 2014, versus almost 10 million in RIPE region. Why is there this difference? It would seem the major region is the economies. When one examines the number of IPs transferred by country, one sees haves versus the have-nots.  ...
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IPv4 Address Lifespan

Subtitle: “Should I Sell my IPv4 addresses Now?” and “Should I Stockpile IPv4 Addresses?” Everyone wants a crystal ball to know the IPv4 address lifespan. They want to know if they will need more IPv4 addresses, and if so, should they buy them now or can they wait. If I create a simple model of...
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Paying for IPv4 Addresses

IPv4 Market Group is frequently asked how a buyer can pay a seller for IPv4 addresses.  In the early days of IPv4 transfers, in 2011-12, IPv4 transfers were less common than today, and IPv4 transfer participants felt some uncertainty about both the commercial and legal aspects of an IPv4 transaction. Today, with hundreds of transactions...
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